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Friday, October 20, 2006

The Hustle. L’Oreal StudioLine Private House Party

WHAT: The Hustle. L’Oreal StudioLine Private House Party
WHEN: Rabu, 20 September 2006
WHERE: Bella Rossa, Kemang
DJ/ENTERTAINER: Anton, Hogi (Future10)

Who's that girl???


I think her name is Christele. One of the model

These are the two clowns representing AREA magazine????

Ade & Michael, looking pretty damn slick with the NO-HAIR-LOOK

Apparently our photographer (oky) was a bit drunk when he took this blurrrryy picture, but that is really a shot of Manda & Wulan Guritno

One of the is called Myrna, the onter is Mila. Can you guess which one is which?

One of these beautiful ladies is NOT exactly the kind of girl your parents want their son to go out with. Hmm, which one could it be ..

Just keep coming back, we'll post more photos to share


Marvyn said...

Dude, u know what? ur magazine rocks!!! keep publishing this magazine!! I love it!

AREA magazine said...

Thanks dude ...

Anonymous said...

One of these beautiful ladies is NOT exactly the kind of girl your parents want their son to go out with. Hmm, which one could it be ..

>>> far left and far right look unidentified..........sexually! are they men?